Friday, June 17, 2016

Nancy's Curse

Nancy’s Curse
The Complete Trilogy

Genre: Paranormal, erotic romance.

Publisher: C.A.Bell

Date of Publication: May 9th 2016

ISBN: 10: 153317945X
ISBN: 13: 978-1533179456

Number of pages: 138
Word Count: 29,960

Cover Artist: C.A.Bell

Book Description:

Sometimes white magic can turn dark. Even with the best intentions.
When Angelica, a white witch, placed a protective curse over her granddaughter, Nancy, in a bid to keep her safe from society and her own powers until she was old enough to understand, she had no idea of the consequences.

On the 31st of October, a grown up Nancy holds her annual Halloween party. Only this year she strays away from her traditional festivities that include her famous Halloween punch, and dancing to the Monster Mash, and opts for a spookier night. With the help of her friends, Nancy will be holding a séance with her new Ouija board. But little does she know that the protective curse her grandmother secretly cast over twenty-seven years ago is lifted that very night. 

A spirit is summoned and Nancy begins a journey of sexual desire and love that she will never forget.

Was this summoning pure coincidence, magic, or something else? Only time will tell.

Lies, secrets, covens, dark forces, and nightmares lie just around the corner for Nancy. But at the end of it all, will she be able to help the man she has fallen for and fulfil his wish of putting his wandering soul to rest? And will there be a price?
Will true love conquer or be taken?

Nancy is about to find out.

Available in eBook
Amazon UK     Amazon US     Smashwords

Available in Paperback

Once her guests have settled, Nancy begins.
“First things first, I would like to thank you all for coming to my party! Next, before we get started with this, I would like to allocate some special roles.”
She puts a nervous-looking Sophie out of her misery first. “Sophie – you, Declan and James are all the energisers.”
It doesn’t seem to reassure Sophie, so Nancy goes on, “Don’t worry, all you have to do is sit here and let the rest of us look like fools.” Nancy smiles in her direction to reassure her, prompting a tiny smile back.
Reassured, she continues, “Okay, Eve, you are interpreter. Hence the pen and paper. Your job is to write down any answers, numbers or letters we get from the board.”
Eve grins. “Gotcha.”
Then, staring her straight in the eye, Nancy declares Lucy the designated ‘screamer’.
 “What the hell’s a screamer, Nance?”
 She chuckles. “Basically, a screamer is the person who you think will wet themselves before anyone else and run home crying.”
Lucy gives her a knowing look, “Well I think that title should belong to you, Nance. Don’t you?”
 “Maybe, but I am the leader since it’s my party and my Ouija.”
Lucy looks away and takes a sip of her drink. No-one else seems to have a problem with their position, so leader Nancy decides that it’s time to play. She turns the music down to a whisper.
Pressing her fingers down on both bottom corners of the board, she drags it along the table towards her. “Now. To start we all must concentrate and have no negative thoughts, or this won’t work. Alright?”
Everybody nods, and Nancy places one finger from each hand on the planchette. Trying not to giggle, she asks the first question of the night.
“Is anyone there?”
The room is deadly silent; only the drone of the bass-driven music can be heard. She tries to make eye contact with her guests, but they’re all staring down at the board, waiting for her fingers to move. Jeez, they really are taking this seriously.
Nothing happens, so she asks again.
“Is there anyone there who wishes to make contact with us?”
They all stare; mesmerized by the piece of wood and the hope that something might just happen. The kitchen door creaks and then pushes open. Lucy screams. Everybody, including the men, jump up off their chairs and head sharpish for the other end of the room.
With every hair on her body stood to panicked attention, Nancy tries to open the lounge door with her trembling hands... until she realises what’s happened when she notices her cat strolling in like he owns the place.
It prompts the gang to burst out into laughter, breaking the onset of tension. Eventually, they manage to compose themselves, all admitting out loud that this Ouija lark is actually quite fun and, hey, they should try to really contact someone. This time with the doors closed, so no cats can further impede.
Making their way back to the table, Nancy scoops up Salem. Bending over and shooing her little friend off out the door, Nancy feels inappropriate eyes burning holes through her dress.
Twisting her head to see who is looking, she’s surprised that not a single one of them is peeking her way. And yet... the feeling of being watched still lingers. Straightening her chair back up from the panic before, she notices that the scent of the air has changed; it smells unfamiliar, musky, and manly. The flames of the candles are flickering more aggressively, as if there were a window open. Putting it down to James’s aftershave and the fact that they all just ran across the room, she takes her seat back at the head of the table and they start again.
“Is there anyone there?” Nancy asks, her fingers back on the wooden heart. They’re left hanging again, so she dashes to the kitchen to get the instruction booklet. Opening the cutlery drawer, that being watched feeling appears again and a cold breeze strokes the back of her bare neck. It sends shivers through her entire body. Snatching up the booklet, she darts back to the safety of her friends.
With the right passage at the ready and a number of sentences to choose from, she returns her fingers to the planchette and says, “Spirit, please come forward and give us guidance.”
Still, nothing. Not so much as a blown-out flame. She chooses another calling. “Spirit, do you have a message for one of us?”
Again they’re left hanging. So Nancy decides to make up her own chant, if only to get a reaction out of her friends. “Spirit, are there any hot, tall, dark, handsome men out there who are good in bed?”
Everyone giggles. In the midst of the laughter, Nancy’s ear suddenly turns icy. And then she hears a whisper.
Her body freezes in fear. 

About the Author:

C.A.Bell was born and raised on the outskirts of London, England, but for the past three years has resided in a much more rural town of Shropshire, where she married and made a home.

She is author to numerous erotic fiction stories, including, The Architect, Sex, Lies, and Sinful Wives, The Shame Train, and many more.

As well as putting together her own collections of erotic shorts and naughty poetry, she is also a contributor to many anthologies and online magazines.

Currently she is working on a number of projects which include a novel she started some time ago, book two of The Architect, and running her new website dedicated to erotica readers and writers, Bell, Book and Erotica.

Tour giveaway

3 digital copies of Sex, Lies, and Sinful wives by C.A.Bell

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Mechanical

A Midsummer Night’s Mechanical
Sensibility Grey Series of Steampunk Suspense Book 3
Kirsten Weiss

Genre: Steampunk/suspense

Publisher: Misterio Press

Date of Publication: May 1, 2016

ISBN: 978-1-944767-00-6

Number of pages: 224
Word Count: 69,000

Cover Artist: Kirsten Weiss

Book Description:

A Midsummer Murder
The California Territory, 1849

Blamed for burning down the San Francisco wharf, clockwork inventor, Sensibility Grey has spent the last three months in hiding. Now all she wants is to depart the gold-crazy boomtown for a new life in the East. So when the owner of a traveling theater offers her work embellishing his mechanical stage, she turns him down. Then he turns up dead on her doorstep along with his enigmatic stage.

An explorer of the mysteries of aether, Sensibility has her own secrets to keep, and adversaries who’ll stop at nothing to learn them. Is the mechanical stage a part of a bigger game? Or the key to unlocking her true, magical potential?

A Midsummer Night’s Mechanical is book three in the Sensibility Grey series of steampunk suspense.

Kobo      Amazon


San Francisco, California Territory, June 1849.

Sensibility sat cross-legged upon her bed and tried not to think. She tried not to think of the ache where her stays pinched her back. She tried not to think of tomorrow’s journey across the American wilderness. She tried not to think about the clamor of banging drums and tootling fifes and—
“Oh, good gad!” She clenched her fist, pieces of quartz crystal biting into her flesh. Sensibility sprang from the bed and threw open the boarding house window. Oppressive heat, acrid from the nearby outhouse, rolled into the room. Wrinkling her nose, she leaned out over the fenced back yard and craned her neck. The afternoon sun streamed through the laundry, hanging limp on the line. From her position, she couldn’t see the street procession. But neither could she avoid hearing their blasted parade.
Something scuttled near her elbow, and she jerked away, slamming her head on the window frame. White pain arced through her skull.
A baby raccoon, not much larger than the palm of her hand, cowered on the other end of the narrow sill. It scrabbled, hunching into a tight ball, trapped on the high ledge.
“Ow.” She winced, rubbing her throbbing head and glad her chignon had taken the brunt of the blow. “How on earth did you get up here?”
The raccoon mewled.
“You shall have to make your own way home, for you cannot come inside. Mrs. Watson has a strict rule about animals inside her boarding house.”
Gently, so as not to disturb the creature, she shut the window. The raccoon peered over the ledge then looked at her, his expression plaintive.
Attempting to ignore the animal, she paced the denuded room, her brown skirts swishing.
They had ample space to swish. Nearly all her belongings lay compressed into a single carpetbag, set before the empty wardrobe. The bedroom had an air of abandonment.
Unsettled, Sensibility rattled the quartz crystals in her hand and glanced to the window.
The animal stared inside, forlorn.
She tugged at her collar. It was such a small thing. But rules were rules. “You found your way onto the ledge. You can find your own way down.”
Sensibility turned to the journal open on the desk. Her sketch of an unworldly creature she’d once encountered scowl from the page. Frowning, she slammed the book shut. It had been careless of her to have left it open. Strange, she couldn’t remember examining the journal before she’d gone downstairs to retrieve her luncheon.
The crystals pressed into her palm. She was so close to a breakthrough in aether technology, but the clues remained buried. Buried in the remains of her father’s last journal. Hidden in a journal from a traveling occultist. Scattered throughout her own notes and theories. One day soon, she would fit those pieces together. It was madness to hope she could solve that problem today.
Sensibility opened her hand and gazed at the quartz crystals. She’d mastered the use of aether to power small devices. But aether had other applications, such as distance control and distance vision. These applications eluded her. “There has to be a way…”
She glanced at the window.
The animal raised itself on its hind legs and pressed its tiny black paws to the glass.
Sensibility groaned. “I know I’ll regret this.” Pocketing the crystals, she opened the window.
The raccoon cowered.
“You,” she said, “being a wild animal, will attempt to bite me if I rescue you. But I will have none of it. I shall pick you up, I shall take you outside, and you shall neither bite nor scratch. Do you understand?”
In a swift motion, she grasped it by the scruff of the neck and lifted it inside. It writhed, and her grasp on it loosened.
She gasped. “Don’t….”
The raccoon dropped to her desk and shook its head. Whiskers twitching, it scuttled to her abandoned luncheon tray and made free with a bit of toast.

About the Author:

Kirsten Weiss worked overseas for nearly fourteen years, in the fringes of the former USSR and in South-east Asia.  Her experiences abroad sparked an interest in the effects of mysticism and mythology, and how both are woven into our daily lives.

Now based in San Mateo, CA, she writes steampunk suspense and paranormal mysteries, blending her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem. Kirsten has never met a dessert she didn’t like, and her guilty pleasures are watching Ghost Whisperer re-runs and drinking red wine.

Sign up for her newsletter to get a free copy of the full length urban fantasy novel, The Alchemical Detective, and updates on her latest work at:

Twitter: @KirstenWeiss

Tour giveaway

Grandprize: ebook copies of The Sensibility Grey Three-Book set, and the entire Riga Hayworth series of seven urban fantasy novels.

Second prize: ebook copies of The Sensibility Grey Three-Book Set

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Awakened by a Demoness Blog Tour and Giveaway

Awakened by a Demoness Blog Barrage

Awakened by a Demoness, the tenth book in New York Times best-seller Felicity Heaton’s hot paranormal romance series, Eternal Mates, is now available in ebook and paperback. To celebrate the release of this awesome milestone in the series, she’s holding a FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY and sharing sneak peeks of the book.
Enter the Awakened by a Demoness international giveaway (ends June 5th) and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate by using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post or at her website, where you can also download a 4 chapter sample of the novel:
Here’s more about this forbidden romance between a powerful angel warrior and one very sassy wicked demoness, including an excerpt for you to sink those teeth into!


Hot book and a page turner. You want to get this series. Stat.


Awakened by a Demoness
Awakened by a Demoness (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 10)
Felicity Heaton
Asteria of the Second Legion of demons has messed up. Royally. With a capital everything. Certain that her dark lord is about to end her in the most painful way imaginable, she’s stunned when the fallen angel offers her an uncharacteristic shot at redemption—and determined not to fail him again. With her life on the line, she sets out on a mission that sounds easy but proves to be far from it when a hot slice of angelic eye candy comes storming into her life, stirring dangerous desires and tempting her more than any male before him.
Fifth Commander of the Echelon, the highest order of angels in Heaven and those responsible for hunting demons, he will allow nothing to stand in the way of fulfilling the mission he began close to a century ago so he can finally return to his home. On the verge of securing the half-breed he has been hunting, he can almost taste victory—until a sassy demoness struts into his life, awakening wicked needs and forbidden hungers that will test him to his limit.
When their mission brings them on a collision course, can they fight the fierce heat of the passion that blazes between them to claim a victory for their side or will it burn their resistance to ashes and set their hearts on fire with a love both forbidden and eternal?

Awakened by a Demoness is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at:
Awakened by a Demoness – Excerpt
Asteria didn’t like the way the angel was eyeing her. She wanted to say that she doubted he would attack her in such a public place, but angels were a pain in the arse like that and didn’t normally give a fuck about pulling innocents into their battles if it meant another demon bit the dust.
She kept an eye on him as she drank her tankard of brew, enjoying the buzz that tripped through her with each sip.
When the males loitering around her feet began to look as if they were losing interest, she flashed them another flirty smile and flicked her black hair over her shoulder, revealing her cleavage and pulling them back under her spell. They weren’t difficult to manipulate. It wasn’t even taking all of her wiles to keep them firmly under her control and thinking they had a shot with her.
As if.
She shuddered at just the thought. None of the fae and immortals below her were worthy of her attention. They certainly weren’t the type of male she would bang.
Her eyes betrayed her and slid towards the angel where he casually leaned against a stone building to her left, stunning pale green eyes scanning the busy square. He folded his muscular arms across his broad chest, causing his black t-shirt to stretch tight, and frowned as he blinked. When his eyes opened again, they were locked on her. She shivered, a hot bolt of lightning zinging through her bones.
She pulled down a breath to steady herself and glared at him for good measure, until he looked away from her.
She had a problem with him.
Mostly based on the fact he was too bloody handsome.
The sort of handsome that had her eyes gravitating towards him all the time and seemed to turn the sensible part of her brain to mush because she kept forgetting that he wasn’t just eye candy.
He was angelic eye candy.
He was all good, and bright, and holier-than-thou and shit that got her back up. But by the Devil, he was gorgeous.
She didn’t have to work hard to imagine just how chiselled and perfect his body was beneath the damned clothes that concealed it. If the toned sinewy muscles of his bare arms were anything to go by, the delicious corded perfection of his deltoids and those bulging biceps, and sexy toned forearms, then he was a god beneath the irritating black t-shirt and jeans.
She wanted to tear them off him to see if she was right.
With her teeth.
She could just imagine how he would react to that too, and what sort of punishment would await her if anyone back home found out she had banged an angel.
Although, if she screwed him and he fell from grace, she would probably get a promotion and a hefty reward from the Devil. He liked to reward that sort of thing. Another fallen angel for his ranks would certainly go a long way towards scrubbing the black stain off her name.
She shook her head, dislodging that idea.
She had been stupid enough to approach the angel when she had spotted him across the square, placing herself in grave danger. Seducing him to the dark side was not going to happen. She wasn’t even sure why she had confronted him. She wasn’t the sort to do something so reckless, not under normal circumstances. The sight of the angel had panicked her though, and she put it down to fear of what her dark lord would do to her if she failed this mission. That fear had made her attempt to drive the angel off her turf.
She was still surprised he hadn’t killed her.
Asteria dragged her eyes away from him, dropped them back to her drooling band of idiots, and smiled at all of them.
“So, about this coven,” she said and they all spoke at once, a cacophony that made her want to scream as she tried to understand what they were rushing to tell her.
She picked out a few juicy titbits about the coven she was meant to locate, the most annoying one being that they had moved on and were travelling south.
Damn it.
Another hot shiver tripped through her and she tensed in response to the feel of the angel’s eyes on her again. She tried to ignore him, but it wasn’t long before her eyes had gravitated back to him.
Why had she confronted him, placing herself in the firing line of his wrath?
It had been an urge at the time and she had followed it, but now that she was questioning it, she wasn’t sure what the urge had really been or where it had come from. She had set eyes on him, had known instinctively that he was an angel, and the next thing she had known, she had been storming across the square towards him, her best you-know-you-want-this strut in place.
She had flirted with him.
What the ever living Hell was wrong with her?
She had convinced herself that it had been to rile him and get his back up, because irritating an angel had been fun, but there was a part of her that had to work pretty damn hard to pretend that some of it hadn’t been real. She hadn’t really flirted with him. She hadn’t really imagined just how hot it might be to lure him over to the dark side. She really hadn’t lost herself in a fantasy about just how incredible he might be as a lover, with all that power and strength, and his wicked good looks.
It had all been an act on her part.
Totally an act.
Those stunning peridot eyes slid her way again, sending white-hot lightning arcing through her as they landed on her, and she couldn’t drag her gaze away from his.
She felt weak.
It was being away from Hell. It messed with her powers and left her vulnerable, and that was why he affected her so badly. Here, he was stronger than she was, a threat to her. She didn’t need an angel sniffing around when she was on such an important mission, one where her life was on the line, and he was doing just that. The bastard was listening in on her conversation.
She was starting to feel that the Devil had left out some details, like the fact there was a fucking Echelon after the same target and now tall-blond-and-holy was going to be chasing her tail.
Asteria scowled at him and flipped him the bird.
He arched a pale eyebrow at that and sighed.
He annoyed the hell out of her. He was so damned haughty and self-righteous, just like all the angels. She could feel it from here. He was dripping with goodness and it sickened her. That was it. That was why she found it impossible to keep her eyes off him and ignore him. He affected her because he was sickeningly good... and hot.
He was undeniably hot.
Incredibly hot.
She glared at him and both of his eyebrows rose high on his forehead, a confused look entering his eyes before they emptied of emotion again.
Angels shouldn’t be hot.
Okay, the Devil was a fallen angel and he was a beautiful bastard, but for some reason, it rubbed her the wrong way with this guy. It made her skin itchy, but at the same time it filled her with a twisted need.
She was awfully tempted to try and break his shiny metaphorical halo in half and stick it up his arse, but she was equally tempted to seduce the bastard.
Maybe it would knock him down a peg or three.
Asteria dismissed it. Her dark lord might love a present of a corrupted angel, but there was a tiny part of her that wasn’t sure pleasing him would be the reason she did it. She refused to look too closely at that part, afraid of what she might find.
“Do you know where the Cruyssen coven were heading?” She smiled sweetly at a young scrawny cat shifter and leaned over, giving him a view of her cleavage as she stroked her hand under his chin.
His eyes slid shut as she lightly raked her claws through the messy scruff on his jaw and he practically purred.
The sensation of the angel’s eyes on her grew fiercer, as if he was glaring at her now. She ignored the bastard and kept with her stroking, until the cat shifter was putty in her hands.
“London… t-the fae town near it,” he stammered and looked wounded when she removed her hand and leaned back, turning her attention on the nymph male as he cleared his throat.
Out of all the men gathered at her feet, he was the most tempting, his thick black hair and vivid cerulean eyes setting off his natural good looks. His ripped bare torso didn’t hurt either, giving her something nice to look at as she smiled down at him.
Not as nice as the angel.
Asteria shoved that voice out of her head and kept her focus on the nymph. “You know where this town is?”
He nodded. “At a mansion in the countryside. I can take you there.”
Tempting, but she didn’t need an escort.
Her gaze flicked to the angel again. Although, if he was going to tail her, an escort might be useful. She shook that thought away and shifted her focus back to her boys. She was strong enough to deal with her Echelon friend and she preferred to roll alone.
The sensation of his eyes on her disappeared and the instinct that constantly warned her of danger faded. She resisted the temptation to look to her left and see whether he was still watching her.
“It’s popular with witches,” the wolf shifter put in, his eagerness pleasing her as he stepped closer. She did love the way he panted over her, hunger in his brown eyes. She leaned over and tunnelled her fingers through his mousy hair, clutched it and pulled him closer still. “It’s run by the Rozengard coven.”
“Another coven?” She frowned down at him as she patted him on the head, brushed her palm over his hair and down the side of his face to under his chin. She tipped it up and gripped his jaw.
“A male one. Look for loose white shirts and brown trousers. Their uniform.” He looked as if he wanted a treat for being such a good boy.
She pressed a kiss to her other fingers and touched them to his lips. The poor male almost fainted. Such easy prey.
She slipped into flirting on autopilot with them as she mulled over everything they had told her, flashing them teasing smiles. The angel might be a problem.
Her gaze sought him.
He was gone.
She scanned the throng in the square, covering every inch of it, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Asteria smiled as she realised he had left before he had heard the best part from her informants, one that had given her a solid lead in the form of the Rozengard coven.
This was going to be easier than she had expected.

Awakened by a Demoness is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback.
Find all the links, a fantastic 4 chapter downloadable sample of the book, and also enter the giveaway and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website:
Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:
Felicity Heaton
About Felicity Heaton
Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.
If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

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